thanks a lot to puteri hannan, princess fantaghiro, nad, kak izzah (by sms) dan seorang silent readerku atas kesudian respond kepada entry ini..seriusly i need these kind of support to make sure my breastfeeding journey succeed..
thanks also to my hubby for his endless support and spirit..juga sebab sentiasa memahami kehendak & keinginan isteri terchenta ini...
actually, my problem was not about the milk fact, bidan yang urut i pun cakap i'm lucky for having lots of milk (she can say by looking at the weight of my breast)..masalahnyer baby susah nak dapat nipple..not everytime, tapi kadang2..but i can say yesterday and today, the situation became worst..
nak kata sebab poor latching, i think i've applied all that i've learned about breastfeeding eversince i knew that i'm preggy to him..but maybe practice is not as easy as reading peeps..huhu..
so currently, lepas pikir secara waras, (masa entry ini di tulis, kewarasan kurang sket actually..hehehe) i try to pump every 2 hours to make sure baby Rafique can be fed with my own milk..and every time he looks like wanted to be fed, i tried to feed him directly first..kot2 laa kan dia boleh pulak dapat minum direct masa tu..x rugi pun cuba..tapi bila dia dah mula hilang sabar, then baru i bagi through bottle..aci x camtu??
tapi sebab masih kelam kabut, terpaksa gak laa top up with FM jugak untuk hari ni..but i've promised myself to pump harder to have enough supply for him..insyaallah..

Rafique Zaquan - day 7
dah naik 100gram compared to his birth weight..
* taip entry ni sambil pumping for my prince charming..=)