hancur luluh hati seorang ibu ini bila terpaksa kata "u pergi belikan laa susu kat dia" pukul 12.00 tgh malam tadi..
maybe some of u who read this entry pelik, ape yang nak kecoh sangat pasal pergi beli susu..but seriously its a BIG issue for me..
carrying my baby for 40 weeks 1 day inside my womb, i've been dreaming to exclusively breastfeed him eversince..regardless the known benefits of breatsfeeding to both mum and baby, i rasa breastfeeding membuatkan seorang ibu mempunyai hak exclusive on her baby...i mean, orang lain boleh main, mandikan our baby etc but when its time for his MOST IMPORTANT ROUTINE, they only can do it with us, their mum..betul x?? THAT'S THE EXCLUSIVE PASS we have..
dengan kata yang paling selfish, i think breastfeeding membuatkan orang lain x boleh nak buat my little prince kenyang EXCEPT ME!!
but just now, i terpaksa redha dengan ketentuan Illahi..
i know u try to pleased me..but SEMAHAL MANA PUN SUSU yang u beli untuk Rafique tu, tetap x leh bayar kehancuran hati i..thanks anyway kerana cuba memahami i..
maybe some of u think i'm so selfish berfikiran macam tu..
anyway, YES I AM!!!