like what i've shared in this entry, the battle began when i found that i bleed at 4 a.m on the 24th September, Friday..
so, lepas entry tu ditulis, at around 11 a.m, mama texted me..suruh minum air selusuh..sebagai seorang yang kurang sabar (dah memang x sabar nak kuarkan baby lam perut walaupun contraction x kuat sangat masa tu), i laju jer minum air selusuh tu..
lepas minum air selusuh tu, iron baju2 kerja hubby, sambil dalam otak dok merencanakan ape lagi nak buat sementara nak tunggu betul2 sakit..
2 p.m : contractions mula kerap menjenguk..but seriously the back pain was more painful rather than the contraction itself..
4.30 p.m : contraction makin kerap..i cakap ngan hubby '"lepas maghrib nanti, boleh dah kot kita gi hospital" masa tu i rasa sakit & contraction kerap sangat..every 8-10 minutes macam tu..
5.30 p.m : ajak hubby pergi hospital IMMEDIATELY sebab rasa sakit sangat2..and memang x ley nak tunggu maghrib dah..dalam hati, i thought masa tu dilation sekurang-kurangnya dah 5-6 cm sebab sakitttttt sangat!!!
sampai hospital, terus pergi O&G unit, check dilation..
sedangkan i punyer laa dah saket macam nak tercabut pinggang, the doctor said my dilation was only 2-3 cm..HUH????x bergerak pun dari pagi tadi tu..sedangkan sakitnyer tu dah jadi 18 kali ganda..subhanallah...
doctor tanya i ada minum air selusuh ker, i cakap jer laa "ya"..then she said "warded".
so, malam tu bermalam laa i di hospital..BUT x berjaya tido walau seminit..the pain keep going..texting with hubby yang sabar menunggu..i'm sure he's more than nervous!!!
25th September 2010, Saturday..
7.40 a.m - nurse buat routine check up and asked about the intesity of the pain..i mintak check servix dilation..
8.00 a.m - mintak hubby belikan breakfast..but all i took was only sekotak air dutch lady chocolate..xde selera nak makan.. sakit sangat..kunyah pun rasa perit..
8.20 a.m - the doctor came..bawak i masuk treatment room..servix dilation masa tu???x sampai lagi 4 cm!!!OMG!!!atas dosa apa laa Allah hukum aku macam ni??? for that, untuk percepatkan labour, doctor "tolong besarkan bukaan" she did that???tangan yang diseluk dalam cik V tu, guna dua jari dikorek2 supaya jalan lebih bukak!!!ok.DONE.4 cm.
8.50 a.m - masuk labour pecahkan air ketuban..she said insyaallah lepas pecahkan ketuban dilation will increase 1 cm by an hour..WHAT????means i've to waitfor another 6 hour..
9.00 a.m - hubby masuk dalam labour room..join i..
9.50 a.m - check progress..
10.50 a.m - servix dilation less than 5 cm..kena "korek" lagi jadi 5 cm..
12.50 a.m - servix dilation less than 6 cm..kena "korek" lagi jadi 6 cm..
kesimpulan dia, it took 2 hours for 1 cm dilation..x kan laa tiap jam doctor nak "korek" kan..i x putus berzikir..cuba ingat Allah..tapi wallahualam laa..kesan entonoks tu buat i pening2 lalat between that, called mama and abah..ask for their forgiveness..kot2 ada dosa yang buat i jadik camni ke kan..and i know they were crying too..i cakap kat hubby, jaga baby elok2 kalau ditakdirkan i x dapat tengok baby..i memang pasrah masa tu..
5.00 p.m - we asked doctor about epidural..sbb masa ni i mmg dah x boleh nak tahan sakit tu..rasa macam lagi 5 minit i akan mati..but EPIDURAL XDE ON WEEKENDS!!!because no specialist working..OMG!!!
6.20 p.m - servix dilation almost 8 cm..kena "korek" lagi..that's it 8 cm..
7.20 p.m - servix dilation 9 crowning suruh pilih either terus go for ceaserean or to wait for another hour...which means, tunggu another 1 hour, kalau x bukak jugak, kena ceaser..coz max duration they can wait is only 12 hours after pecah ketuban..takut baby lemas..considering that the dilation never go 1 cm per hour for me, plus i might have no energy to push (x makan ape2 langsung satu hari), hubby terus choose to go for ceasarean..
8.00 p.m - masuk operation spinal cord was injected at 3 points by the anasthetician..seriusly, SAKIT GILERRR!!!
8.50 p.m - i heard our baby cried..and i cried tunjuk kat i, tanye baby boy or girl..i said "boy"..=)
his first shot with ayah..