assalamualaikum orang kat dalam..
orang kat dalam tengah buat ape tu??orang kat luar dah x sabar2 nak tunggu orang kat dalam keluar tau..dah x larat jugak nak jawab soalan kawan2 mummy..
bila ur due date??
bila baby nak keluar??
x sakit lagi ker??
ada contractions x??
sooo many questions u know..officemates mummy tu lagi laa..kecewa dorang bila nampak mummy still masuk keje pagi2..see how much they are excited to see u??
mummy tahu..all ur uncles and aunties x sabar nak tengok prince charming mummy ni..mata bulat cam mummy or hidung penyek cam ayah??hihihi..;-)
mata sepet??
mata bulat??
putih gebu??
no matter how handsome ur looks is, just come out laa..x yah laa malu2..habes2 pun orang cubit2 pipi jer sket..xde nyer sampai kena geget anak mummy, dont worry ok..just come out k baby..
petang semalam mummy dah start dapat contractions..but it only causes MILD PAINS as usual, plus it was IRREGULAR..bila mummy tulis jer kat status FB, terus berbelas komen mummy dapat, n sumer suruh mummy pergi hospital..
see how excited they were??
mummy ni lagi2 laa excited..but i know irregular contractions was just a false, mummy just bersabar jer laa..tido dulu (but dengan harapan malam semalam the contraction will be more severe) tapi, harapan tinggal harapan..up to now, i'm still here, writing this for you..contractions also keep going but still irregular..
we are all really looking forward to see u soon son..physically & mentally..baju & all the clothings semua mummy dah cuci..dah lipat & susun elok2 dalam bakul..baju untuk raya haji pun dah ada tau!!!ur feeding bottles together with the breastpump pun mummy dah cuci & sterilize..tilam kekabu already bought by your tok bah..katanya warna kuning..seswaiii sangat ngan "prince" mummy ni!!tapi mummy pun x tengok lagi sebenarnya..huhuhu..
then, what else that makes u think we are still not ready for ur arrival ek??
our hospital bag tu dah dekat sebulan mummy ngan ayah standby dalam kereta tau..handbag pun mummy dah x tukar2. just to make sure kad kesihatan mummy always in hand..*maklum ler, ur mummy ni kan ada syndrome short-term memory loss..*kalo dok tukar2 handbag, ada jer possibility nak tertinggal itu ini..kang tetiba nak bersalin, kad kesihatan pulak x bawak, ape citer??
and seriously, perasaan takut sakit untuk bersalin tu dah xde skarang ni..i am 100% ready to face the long as anak mummy ni keluar dengan selamat, i'm into it!!in fact, i sangat x sabar nak melalui the labour experience..but, when it's time, u have to help mummy tau!!i'll push, and u also must try to find the way out!!we work together k..
enough laa mummy membebel..later sambung lagi..till i see u in short..muuuaaahhhh...
p/s : dont make me waiting for too long pleaseee...