i pernah cerita about The First Year's Secure Sleeper that i want to get for my prince charming in the wish list kan...
Alhamdulillah..murah rezeki si kecik ni..x sempat we all nak belikan, he al ready got it as a gift from his uncle and auntie..my bro and sis in law laa actually..
eventhough it is not the same model as what i wanted to buy, as long as it serve the purpose, ok laa kan..
paling i suka about this secure sleeper is the head positioner..x perlu laa i asyek betulkan kepala my prince charming kalau dia asyek terlentok ke kiri or kanan bila tido nanti..coz, kalau baby asyek terlentok ke kiri or kanan jer (according to their preference), the shape of their heads akan jadi irregular kan??*ntah betul, ntah tidak, i pun x tahu..*but prevention is better than cure what??;-)
so, nanti prince charming boleh tido in between us, without being penyek by his ayah yang tido ganass giler tu..easy for me to cuddle & breastfeed him at night too!!x yah susah2 nak bangun from bed kalau dia dah nanges..=) *dasar ibu pemalas*
kalau prince charming sejuk, boleh share comforter with mummy and ayah..hihihi..silap2 lemas anak i tuh kena terlangkup ngan comforter..aiyakkk...
kalau sesape berminat, bley laa usha2 Secure Sleeper for your baby kat littlewhiz.com..so far, kat situ jer yang i ada jumpa jual mende ni..