the first few days when Rafique was born, i wonder kenapa my baby was keep on sleeping..asyek tido je..bangun pun kejap2 jer untuk menyusu..and sampai sekarang (day 12) masih macam tu..tapi kekadang we all sajer je kacau dia, x nak bagi dia tido..hehe..especially time maghrib laa..
and i baru tahu, rupa2 nya its very normal for newborn up to 1 month old to sleep for 16-20 hours a day...alhamdulillah..means my baby normal lah tu..risau gak kan sebab dia pasif sangat..
masa i kat ward , doctor ada cakap that my baby prone to get jaundice sebab darah i group O..and for your information, the risk will be higher for babies to get jaundice a.k.a demam kuning if both of the parents are in group O..the doctor taught me how to check whether our baby get jaundice or not..tahu macam mana??tekan dahi dia, tengok kalau warna kulit dia lambat berubah kemerah-merahan, maknanye ada jaundice laa tu..
so, i did checked everyday to make sure my little prince xde..dalam2 dok check and ingat he's ok, rupa2nyer Rafique dah dapat demam kuning..found out by the nurse yang datang check kat rumah on day 7..
dah suspected jaundice, kena laa gi klinik to be diagnosed by the doctor..they took his blood from tapak kaki kecik tu..shian Rafique..tapi Rafique x nanges pun, ibu yang nanges..ngehehehe..
so, to mummies yang x mahu nanges tengok ur little precious kena prick kat tapak kaki..and x mahu tengok ur little ones treated like this,

sila baca tips mengelakkan jaundice ini..