suku abad

sabtu lepas was my birthday..19.11.2011 (cantik gak kan tarikh ni??)
the 25th birthday..
sudah suku abad rupanya saya..

thanks a lot to all the warm wishes at my FB'S wall..
i got 100++ birthday wishes altogether..thanks to FB for reminding all friends about my birthday..terharu kejap..also to those who tweet about my birthday..
special thanks to family n friends who ring me and the SMSes..
the first person who make the birthday wish is my darling ngokngek sister..
an the utmost special tentulah nyanyian happy birthday dari suami dan anak tersayang live from Taman Cheras Intan!!
thanks for the remembrance..
u all make my day..

i feel so grateful and thanked to Allah with all the blessings..
hope this birthday will bring greater health, happiness and sustenance to my family n i..

takde mende nak tulis pun sebenarnya..just sekadar amek nama entry sempena birthday..=)
