ape plan weekend ni?

its friday n i'm pretty sure most of our schedule this weekend(even every weekends) of this month are jam packed with open house invitation.am i right? i personally got 3 to attend tomorrow (saturday) and 2 more on sunday excluding visiting my aunts who staying nearby!!!wuhhooooottt!


Diet plan ruin.huhuhu.

thanks to breastfeeding that i don't need to worry about putting on so much weight during this festive season.additional 1 or 2 kg won't bring me to overweight category either O:-)

anyhow,enjoy ur festive season!open house is not about foods only.its get together time to tightened our ukhwah.foods are just bonus!!eat in moderation so u won't need to spend the money u hardly earned neither on slimming tea nor pills.

have a safe weekend.enjoy ur open houses!