yuhuuu..it's a contest day babe!!
first contest of the day, organized by puan ainul, proud mummy to princess Areessa Zulaikha..
being a mum is always makes me proud..proud to be a young mummy to a prince at the age of 24 years old..walaupun ada yang kata cam rugi kawen muda, i never feel so..x pernah rasa rugi..malah happy n proud..walaupun masa nak bergembira bersama kawan2 is limited, masa bergembira bersama hubby and Rafique is LIMITLESS!!balik keje penat2, tengok anak ngan air liur meleleh laju2 terkam kita, terus hilang kepenatan..
proud also to be a breastfeeding mummy through this 8 lovely months..alhamdulillah..moga rezeki Rafique terus dimurahkan oleh Allah S.W.T sehingga umurnya 2 tahun boleh minum susu ibu yang yummy yummy sihat lagi berkhasiat..aminnn...
proud also to be a cloth diapering mummy..walaupun ramai yang rasa leceh n kotor nak kena cuci soiled CD especially poo poo, i think we (me n hubby) is more than happy to do so..moga2 Rafique pun x rasa jijik nak cuci poo poo ibu ngan ayah dia bila we all dah tua nanti..ok sayang??
i'm proud to be a mummy to my beloved prince charming, Rafique Zaquan and enjoying the mummyhood life to the fullest!!thanks to Allah S.W.T for blessing me with this chance..=)
and to you, Rafique Zaquan:
your smile, your tears always makes my day..
wanna love you till the end of my life..
nak tag :
Khalilah, proud mum to Mareessa Naima
Jue, proud mum to Ar-Rayyan
Raihana, proud mum to Razeen