nipple confuse ke??

assalamualaikum kawan2..

sempena jumaat yang mulia, harus mula dengan salam dulu yek..
semalam cuti Thaipusam buat ape???

i meluangkan masa bersama familia tercinta di umah my in-laws..melingkar depan tv secara berjemaah bersama2 dengan 2 hero adorable niece, Danish and of coz my prince charming, Rafique..gambo x bley letak..censored..kihkihkih..

sebenarnya got a problem here..recently, BS Rafique cakap dia macam x nak drink from bottle..kena paksa.bila dah lapar sangat, then only he drink..dan ini jugak membuatkan Rafique is a bit cranky this a sign of nipple confuse kawan2???sedangkan all this while Rafique memang ok jer dengan feeding bottle First Years yang kitorang dah pakai since he is 2 weeks old..

maybe some of new friends were thinking nape i introduce Rafique with bottle too early kan??kalau tertanya2, boleh singgah sini untuk tahu kisah silam itu k..

back to the issue. some of the advice yang i dah dapat berikutan dengan masalah yang melanda ni ialah:

  • tukar size puting to a bigger one..currently we were using small size teats yang memang datang together with the bottles..but i ada baca that breastfed babies x yah tukar teats size, just used the newborn size..
  • tukar feeding bottle brand lain..mungkin Rafique dah x suka puting jenis tu..

sebab bottle First Years ni x boleh fit dengan puting brand dia x sama ngan the usual teats..

and the other opinion is..

  • feed him with solid foods with the reason mungkin susu alone dah x boleh kenyangkan dia..hurmm..don't u think its too early??Rafique baru nak masuk 4 bulan next week..

what say you??
or any other opinions????

sangat memerlukan piece of advice now..please please..