look at the above ticker!!

cepat nyer masa berlalu..

macam x percaya tengok ticker kat atas tu!!

my prince charming is already 4 months old..

happy birthday baby!!
love u soooo much..

rasa macam baru sangat jer lagi menahan sakit labour pain selama 3 hari..
rasa macam baru jer lagi keluar meet, hug, kiss and breastfeed him for the first time..
rasa macam baru jer lagi melalui confinement period yang konon2 x best tapi i rasa cam best jer bley dok umah x yah bangun pagi2 gi keje, x yah buat keje2 rumah n 24 jam cium Rafique jerr..=)
rasa macam baru jer lagi dok pening2 carik baby sitter yang sudi jaga Rafique..

alhamdulillah..syukur sangat coz my prince charming dah membesar dengan jayanya..born 2.9 kg, was 6.2 kg at 3 months old, and bet he's almost 7 kg now!!he's a healthy (sekali je demam so far), happy and easy baby (most of the time)..;-)

next entry will be on his milestone..tunggu yer..