floating swim suit or infant life jacket??

insyaallah kalau xde aral melintang, we are going to Pulau Tioman in May..i know lambat lagi tapi as it is going to be the first trip for Rafique to an island and first time for me handling a baby during an island hopping trip, i'm soooo excited thinking about it, yet there's soooo many question marks juggling in my head too!!!

one of it is about life jacket. nak naik boat pergi snorkelling mesti laa pakai life jacket kan??so, i was thinking whether kat sana dorang ada provide life jacket untuk baby ke x??bulan 5 nanti, Rafique baru umur 6-7 months macam tu..dorang ada ke size that fit babies like him??

or don't they allow baby less than 12 months age ride the boat??kang penat jer i pergi x ley gi snorkelling, sedih laa pulak kan..

ohh..jangan salah faham..i'm not going to get Rafique buat snorkelling at that young age..the trip yang we all nak ikut ni sekali ngan hubby's colleague..and there's few of them (female) yang memang x nak buat snorkelling (i obviously won't miss the chance) and willing to take care of Rafique masa i pi snorkelling..kejap je pun kan..=)

or let's say they do allow babies to ride the boat but x provide life jacket that fit his size, kat mana i boleh dapatkan the life jacket ek??i ada tengok kat alibaba.com (if i not mistaken) tapi sumer jual in bundle..ape kejadahnyer i nak beli sampai 1000 pieces??? anybody know where can i buy the life jacket???i mean in Malaysia..

or maybe floating suit like this??

erm...dibenarkan ke ek pakai floating swimsuit je when riding a boat??but as far as i concern, performance of the floating suit pun sama jer dengan life jacket..

anybody have experience on this???or maybe ur colleagues or family??share with me pleaseeee....

i tengok harga for a piece of infant life jacket pun bley tahan gak..kot ada yang sudi kasik pinjam ke...sewa ke..hehehee..

help me yer kengkawan..=) pleassseeeeeeeeeeeeeee...