4 months Rafique Zaquan

achievement for this month:

dah pandai grap a rattle..or anything yang bersaiz segenggam tangan kecik comel tu..pernah one time, we all beratur kat Tesco and the was soooo long when Rafique dah mula boring dok dalam unmoving stroller lama2..so, ayah dia mintak satu plastik from the cashier and let him play!!!hahaha..seronok betul dia..terus x jadi nanges..

anyway, plastic bag,handkerchiefs and aluminium foil can be a great stimulating toy to your baby tau!!just to stimulate their senses with variety of textures..cheap toys..=) provided under provision lah yer..

he already raise himself up on straightened arm while lying on his tummy..tapi masih belum boleh meniarap by himself..huhuhu.. skip one step lah nampaknyer..

dah pandai ketap bibir macam pic ni..
most of the time actually..geram kat ibu ke sayang??

makin pandai "berborak", smile and gelak..macam faham je kita gurau ngan dia..berborak pun dah macam2 bunyi keluar..and he smiled delightly!!=)

favourite past time is main air liur..buat bubbles!! I have a video on this actually tapi nape entah x ley nak upload vidoe tu..kuciwa tol!!and people keep on asking me "ada pape yang mengidam tapi x dapat ke??" heh, still lying on the old wives tales kah??

he can recognize us!!i mean his parents..and people close to him laa..balik keje, amek dia kat rumah babysitter mesti tersengih jer..memang buat i x sabar nak tunggu 4.30 pm everyday..masa pergi kak mimi's engagement ceremony the other day, sape2 amek dia pun dia x kesah..but he didn't smile or talk pun..diam jer..but when he saw me, terus senyum..and me??? melted!!

now diaper change time wasn't as easy as before..dia sebok nak tolong ibu..kaki tangan semua nak gerak.i baru letak minyak kat perut dia, dia dah tolong sapukan..rajin betul anak ibu neh..

my sexy baby..still can fit s size for his CD..tapi very soon kena change to M size..

waktu malam is very challenging to me now..few days back, Rafique macam mengigau..tengah tido, tetiba jer menangis macam takut or sakit..then, semalam asyek merengek jer masa tido..he only sleeps well when i hug him..ohh baby..shian laa ibu sayang..

his favourite colour is yellow..his yellow moon..his yellow rattle..ayah punyer MU towel (sebab towel tu banyak kaler kuning & merah)..

my baby sleeping with his YELLOW headed Katie (nama manja caterpillar tu)..this pic was taken masa first time try the new MAM bottle..alhamdulillah he's fine with it..

and Rafique dah start solid food..huhu..berat hati sebenarnya tapi setelah discuss ngan hubby, fikir pro and cons, we decided to start solid for him..x pe lah..even x exclusive breastfed for 6 months pun, i will keep on breastfeeding him selama termampu..

and for intro, i gave him pisang lenyek with ibu's milk..looks soo yummy for Rafique..dekat setengah gak laa pisang sekali makan..he really love it!! will introduce more fruits & veges to him later..Rafique jangan jadi macam ibu yang x suka makan sayur yer sayang..=D

see my momot..dia x suka pakai bib..kalau pakaikan bib, konpem ditariknyer..rimas kot..

semoga Rafique terus membesar dengan sihat dan kuat..
cayang Rafique a lot..

by the way, Rafique nak mintak tolong auntie dan uncle sumer yang baik hati untuk like gambar ni..
time kaseh..