Rafique Zaquan 2 months

rindu laa kat Rafique..still have 2 hours sebelum masa untuk pulang bertemnu cinta hati tu.jadi, mari updet about his milestone..

my prince charming dah masuk 2 bulan 1 minggu to be exact..last monday, we went for 2 months jab..

AGAIN, he wasn't crying after the shot!!!kuatlah anak ibu ni..sayang Rafique banyak2..muahhhhxx..
alhamdulillah jugak Rafique x demam after the jab..=)

milestone :

  • follow object yang "lalu" in front of his eyes..
  • respond to sound..i can leave him in his glider for about 30 minutes with his musical soother..
  • steadily hold his head..Rafique was born with strong neck anyway..=)
  • can roll from chest to back
  • smile to people..
  • smile and laugh when people talk to him..sangat suka berborak hero saya ni!!
  • love lamps, fans and camera..pandai okk..tau2 jer kalau ibu nak amek pic dia..

ini gambar my Rafique ajak ibu borak kul 4 pagi tadi..bukan main ceria dia..ibu ni, nak bukak mata pun x ley..huhu