
  1. Rafique selalu buat bunyi cam kete emergency break masa tido..eeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt..pastu sambung tido balik..
  2. Rafique kena cirit birit semalam..yet he wasn't cranky, just x tido..maybe because of his stomach ache..thought because of Dutch Lady Strawberry yang i minum..sorry baby..my bad..=(
  3. he love to sleep on his chest!!
  4. bunyi yang macam ada phlegm while he breathe tu is still there..how long it will lasts ek??how about ur baby??
  5. i masih berusaha untuk bf while lie down..K.E.K.O.K.x tahu mana nak letak tangan i, tangan baby, nak letak baby paras mana etc etc..HELPP!!!
  6. pantang hari ke 35 hari ni..hoyeahhh!!5 days to go!!=D
  7. 25 hari lagi dah nak masuk keje..kena tinggal Rafique in other's hand..=(
  8. sedang cari info2 berkaitan hantar baby ke babysitter..on EBM handling by babysitter..barang2 nak bawak..etc etc..too many questions in my mind to make sure things will go right for him..*sigh*
  9. preparing for his 2nd kenduri cukur jambul..hope he'll behave as usual this afternoon..owhhh..his dad won't be here for the event..=( xper laa Rafique..ayah need to work..your 1st time kenduri cukur jambul (yang ibu x update lagi kat blog tu) ayah was there..so, chill baby!!
p/s : currently, sumer entry berunsurkan Rafique..ada orang boring ke ek??sorry.
