Baby Ibu Giveaway : Weego Bottles


especially to all mummies & mummy-to-be out there!!

Baby Ibu telah berbaik hati sempena Ramadhan & Aidilfitri to give away Weego bottles yang cantik ini!!!

remember about this entry yang i buat tentang faktor2 pemilihan feeding bottles dulu?? WEE GO!!!

these bottles definitely menepati ciri2 feeding bottle yang baik for our babies..bukan setakat BPA free, but also phthalate & PVC free!!like i used to say in my previous entry, Borosilicate glass is the best option to opt for..and these Weegos are made of it!!!

yang paling menarik dimata i about these bottles are the colourful silicone sleeve..the attractive colours...babies kan mudah tertarik dengan, secara x sengaja, akan menarik minat babies to drink milk as well!!

and mummies boleh laa pilih colour bottle ikut kaler baju tema hari raya nanti!!kalau baby pulak dah over excited tengok colourful sleeves tu, dia gigit sleeves tu sebab ingat tu gula2 ke ape..DON'T WORRY!!because the sleeves are plastic free & non-toxic..

as these bottles were made of borosilicate glass, they are thermal shock resistant!!xde masalah punya untuk masuk dalam freezer for breastmilk storage purpose atau boiled water for hygiene purpose..

eh..banyak pulak kelebihan Weego Bottles ni..kalau u all nak tahu lebih lanjut, boleh rujuk di sini yer..

so, macam mana???best x Weego Bottles ni??

kalau best, ape tunggu lagi???

jom laa join Giveaway Baby Ibu ni!!!

bukan setakat mummies jer..daddies pun boleh join!!yang belum jadi mummy or daddy pun boleh join..kalau menang, boleh bagi kat ur cute niece or nephew..of coz they'll be happy with ur gift..mak bapak dorang lagi laaa kuasa tiga happy!!

xde niece or nephew??? prince charming sedia menerima..hehhehe..;-D

oh yer..those yang xde blog pun boleh join giveaway ni tau!!
kalau nak tahu caranya, click jer kat sini..

Selamat berWEEGO peoples!!!