
akhirnya berjaya jugak i dikurniakan Master Degree in Industrial Safety Management..chewahhhh..ayat macam selepas berhempas pulas sangat jerr..hahaha..padahal, banyak memonteng jer lebih..

anyway, thanks to my hubby, parents, family members and friends for their endless support..actually, almost give up gak ngan final year project.tapi, alhamdulillah..i've make it dan berjaya submit the dissertation on time..maklum laa..time nak siapkan dissertation tu, i dok tengah morning sickness tahap gaban punyer!!

so, berjaya laa i berconvo, naik stage 'berdua' semalam..=)

pose sket before masuk dewan..

wajah2 ceria dapat bergraduasi..

berposing bersama our most sporting & handsome lecturer - Prof. Ismail Bahari (in the middle with black robe)..tetap ganteng di usia 50-an u!!

inilah diantara my classmates..all together is 33..there are few, yang x sempat nak bergraduasi together with us..
wish them good luck!!

me n my luvvy hubby..the one and only who accompany on my big day.. xde rezeki for my parents nak tengok i berconvo for this second time ni..anggap jer laa i graduate my master from oversea..that's why xde orang lain datang..

and last pose with flower bouquet from hubby tersayang..thanks hubby!!u've make my day!!

i dah posing banyak2 ngan bunga ni tau..sebab this is the first time ever hubby kasik i bunga tau!!memang kena catat date semalam dalam diari lahh..ntah bila laa pulak nak tunggu hubby kasik i bunga lagi..

tapi kan hubby..i x kesah pun kalo next time u nak ganti roses bouquet tu ngan Coach or LV!!!;-)

daa...selamat berbuka peoples..