YOU are responsible for this tear drops!!

tetibe pulak hubby i beromantik2 petang yang sepi ni..

i print screen this from his FB wall..
*kalo nak tengok ngan lebih jelas ape status hubby i tuh, click at this image yek*

u make me feel touched hubby..

and again mak buyung ini tetibe meleleh i mata..

kalau orang yang mempunyai hubby yang sememangnya romantik, maybe u won't feel anything about this..but not me..

hubby i bukan sorang yang selalu menyanyi untuk i sebelum tido, bukan jugak jenis yang melayan i bergayut berjam2 sebelum tido (masa before kawen dulu), x penah jugak bagi i bunga kecuali bunga yang di petik kat pelamin kawan dia dalam pic 2nd last dalam entry ni..i need to ask him whether he love me or not, then only he will replied..apetah lagi nak keluarkan kata2 romantic camtuh kan..i know, for sure he copied the sentence from somewhere, but enough to make me feel touched..

hubby,(kalau u baca entry ni)

u don't need to do things that other romantic guy do..
u don't need to buy me expensive things..
u don't need to quit smoking (if u don't want to)..
u don't need to do all that..


i just love u the way u are..

being YOU is enough to tell me that u love me..

psst : sorry kalau ade yang nak termuntah pulak ngan entry jiwang karat petang2 hari ni yek..
