
hey people..

currently i sangat busy membuat research tentang breastfeeding and cloth diapering..being a-mommy-to-be, all my interest now goes to my future baby.kalau nak gi shopping pun, asyek fikir nak beli baby's stuff je..tapi x dapat gak coz my hubby insist on doing shopping for our baby only after we got to know the baby's gender.. =(

actually pasal breastfeeding ni, i memang dah lama terfikir..eversince i haven't get married lagi..instead of well-known benefits of breastfeeding yang x perlu diceritakan lagi, ditambah pulak dengan issue melamine in milk x lama dulu, of coz i x nak my baby faced all these kinds of risk..that's why i dah NEKAD nak exclusively breastfeed my baby nanti..lagi pun, anak i kan..nape nak kasik lembu "bagi makan" lak?? ;-D

before, i was thinking that breastfeeding is not only good for the baby but also can save a lot of penny..tapi...bila i go through articles, websites and forums regarding breastfeeding ni, baru laa i tau, it still involve quite huge cost..need to buy breast pump yang harganya mencecah ribuan ringit, storage bottles etc etc etc..huhuhu..

anyway, regardless the cost, if the investment will give huge benefit to my baby, of coz i won't be hesitate to do it!!! i just hope any breastfeeding mum yang baca this entry boleh share experience with breastpump yang u all guna..coz banyak sangat jenis breastpump yang ada kat pasaran and really makes me confuse..kalau nak main cuba2 pun susah gak kan. maklumler..harganye pun wat i seramss...huhu..kalau tau kat mane2 tempat yang boleh dapat breastpump with good quality & reasonable price pun, sila la share yer..
