Style Yakuza Tattoo Gallery

yakuza tattooYakuza Tattoo Picture 1

tattoo yakuzaYakuza Tattoo Picture 2

japanese yakuza tattooYakuza Tattoo Picture 3

japanese artworkYakuza Tattoo Picture 4

Girls with Tattoos

Girls like tattoos a lot, but when it comes to choose a model, the answer may not be as simple as it sounds. The hottest tattoos for girls may be feminine, attractive, but tastes are extremely different from one girl to the other.

Tattoos may not seem such a great idea when you have to deal with a stricter work environment. Unless you want your boss to stare at your new tattoo, you must think about concealing it or making it in a less visible place.

Japanese tattoos, also called Irezumi, include designs such as koi fish and large dragons. Girls prefer them on the back or the arms, and some even on their hips.

Nude Body Painting

Body painting is a form of artistic expression that uses average paint to make gorgeous bodies look even more gorgeous. Body painting is temporary and is mainly done on female bodies because it isn’t a macho thing. The Caribbean is not new to body painting and when Columbus landed he met the Caribs and Arawaks using annatto to paint their bodies and surf boards. Body painting can be more than artistic and it can even be used by women to say to the public, “I am Hot.”

Tattoos are a permanent type of body painting and are used mainly by women who think they would look hot throughout their years. Tattoos can have a deep meaning but it’s the shallow meaning which everybody understands. Tattoo designs should be chosen carefully since a heart-shaped tattoo on a butt can stretch in no time to look like a circle with even less meaning. Tattoos can be considered your short-lived friend.

Nude body painting is now popular among top models who are shaped to kill. Nearly every naked female model’s body will look better in body paints but not every model has a body like Jessica White, who is not very ticklish. Nude body painting is one way the media can have models pose nude and offend less than half the people they normally offend. As more and more women choose body paints to express their feminine side more and more men will take up the brush in support.

Sexy Hot Model With A Black Colours Of Body Painting Design

Pretty Wowan For Body Art Painting

Pretty Wowan For Body Art Painting

New Bikini Style With Body Art Painting Design

New Bikini Style With Body Art Painting Design

A Great Butterfly For Theme Of Body Art Painting

A Great Butterfly For Theme Of Body Art Painting

Body Painting Art Show Festival In Europe

With body paint art, both models get ready to attend the festival. Currently many countries use the theme of painting the body as a race that upholds the value of art. Especially countries in continental Europe.

Tattoo Artists are designing with the Yellow Ink Tattoo

Tattoo Artists are designing with the Yellow Ink Tattoo

Tattoo artists are designing bird tattoo with yellow ink tattoo, tattoo made quite temporary. Usually this is made for the tattoo contest, photography, advertising model.

Beautiful Butterfly Tattoo in the Sexy Girl Body

beautiful butterfly tattoos

Butterfly tattoo design is created with the temporary techniques and using airbrush tool, image butterfly so good and perfect. Truly, this beautiful tattoo design.

American Tribal Tattoos Design

Best American Tribal Tattoos Design

Lower Back Dragoon Tattoo Design

Dragon tattoo,Tattoo DesignsDragon  tattoo,Tattoo Designs

Dragon tattoo,Tattoo Designs(by Roy,  Addictions, Chingford)

Lower Back Dragoon Tattoo Design

Girl on The Body Painting Design Contest

body painting designs

A girl was showing body painting designs on the body paint contest. Girls who use bird images for the body paint design eventually became the first winner in the contest.

is it good or just a sh**??

hey ladies..
recently i selalu nampak iklan about this Loreal Renewal Lash Serum yang diwar2kan boleh memanjangkan dan melentikkan bulu mata without wearing interesting!! any ladies yang x nak bulu mata melentik and panjang?? if so, sila bagi bulu mata u kat i yek..*jika lentik & panjang sahaja*

as i am the person, yang memang sentiasa having dilemma with mascara and eyelashes, of coz i am very interested with this product. mana x dilemma nyer?? kalau x pakai mascara, akan terserlahlah bulu mata i yang kontot lagi lurus ke bawah cam pembaris ini..ohh, sungguh x gorjes ok..then, kalau nak pakai, harus ler i ni bukan beauty expert yang sapuan mascara nyer nampak smooth, kesimpulannye tetap x gorjes jugak laa walaupun dah pakai mascara..=( hukhuk..sedey.. or do i need to hire a make-up artist untuk make-up kan i setiap hari before pergi keje setiap hari?? bluwekkkk!!=P

pastu bila pakai mascara, time yang x period especially macam sekarang yang 9 bulan x dapat "cuti" ni haruslaa amat leceh bile nak solat..tambah plak i ni memang jenis manusia pemalas nak bawak make-up removal, facial wash etc dalam hand, can u imagine mata panda yang bakal menjelma bila cuci muka nak solat kalau time pergi shopping mall or office??silap2 semua orang dalam surau boleh lari sebab ingat hantu jerangkung mane ntah nak pergi solat..sangat dilemma kan jadi perempuan pemalas macam i ni..huh..susah tol..

that's why i rasa if this technology really works, i sangat2 berminat untuk guna..tapi yet, belum jumpa lagi any testimonials about this product..anybody have tried???or pernah dengar sape2 cakap pasal keberkesanan of this product, sila cerita kat i yek..


Yellow Bustier Body Paint Design in Contest

bustier body paint designs

Art body paint with a bustier design, in the body of 2 young girls, who finally be a winner in the body paint contest. It is a very good work using the body paint and ink quality, not surprising that the two girls became the winner.

terima kasih daun keladi, lain kali bagi lagi..

salam jumaat..

sempena jumaat yang mulia ini, i mengambil kesempatan nak berterima kasih kepada my dear fren cik amal yang sudi datang ke rumah i pada hari sabtu yang lepas bersama2 cik abang terchenta disertai jugak 2 tupperware cupcakes yang bestttt!!yummy2..and the most important things is, ini adalah air tangan beliau sendiri tau..terharu i..

thanks a lot yer amal..x sampai setengah jam pun cupcakes ni dapat melihat keindahan umah i.indah ler sangat.pastu terus lesap ke dalam perut2 manusia yang gelap gelita dan bergelumang bersama nasi dagang dan jugak sizzling..hehe..

inilah dia cupcakes yang diberi oleh cik amal itu..they are chocolate!!and ada chocolate chips inside jugak!!!sangat2 sedap..yang warna putih tu just the deco.inside is choc chips cake jugak..

see..dah tinggal 2 je..mana yang lain???sudah selamat disettlekan oleh my guests la tu..especially kiddos laa yang excited tengok chocolate cupcakes tu kan..i pun sempat makan 1 je..tu pun share with my hubby..

to amal : terima kasih daun keladi..lain kali buat cupcakes, bagi la aku lagi..ko still ingat lagi cam mane jalan nak pergi umah aku kan??;-)


Butterfly Tattoo Designs are usually used for Fashion

combination of butterfly and tribal tattoo

Butterfly tattoo design is combined with a tribal tattoo, which is favored by the model as make up a beautiful time to appear on stage.

kecewa??? kini tidak lagi...

morning people..

this entry adalah kisah yang bersambung dari entry ini. khas bagi mereka yang berminat nak tau, ape yang terjadi kepada trifle i yang x menjadi pada minggu lepas. yang x nak tau pun, sila baca jugak..kalau x, i akan berkecil hati.hehhe..

mahu lihat bagaimana rupa my trifle yang hodoh itu????





JENG JENG JENG..... jelly yang x sekata sebab mereka sudah mengeras dalam periuk sebelum sempat dituang..tambah plak ngan custard layer yang x mengeras itu, maka jadilah rupanye yang seakan2 hodoh begini..hukhuk...

tapi....dont judge a book by its cover okkk...dont judge the taste by its look...

why i said that???

sebab 2 mangkuk besar trifle itu berjaya disettlekan oleh my guests sebelum malam menjelma okkk!!!so, tetamu2 yang datang malam, memang x sempat ler melihat mahupun merasa my trifle yang dah jadi ala-ala cocktail tu...hehehe...

x percaya????

look the pic below yer..mangkuk oval tu adalah mangkuk ke-2..mangkuk bulat (seperti dalam pic di atas) sudah settled sebelum i sedar..x tau sape yang keluarkan 2nd trifle from my fridge..tau2 dah bertukar mangkuk trifle atas meja tu..=)

thats all for now..

Mads Mikkelsen Valhalla Rising (2010) Movie High Quality Wallpaper and Pictures

Mads Mikkelsen Valhalla Rising Action Movie High Quality Wallpapers, Pictures and Screen Shots Free Download.    

This Movie Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn and Starring in this Movie Mads Mikkelsen, Jamie Sives, Gary Lewis, Ewan Stewart, Alexander Morton, Callum Mitchell, Andrew Flanagan.

This Movie is Written by Roy Jacobsen and Nicolas Winding Refn.

Valhalla Rising Release on 4 June 2010 (USA).

Tags: Valhalla Rising Movie, Hollywood Valhalla Rising Movie, Valhalla Rising Wallpaper, 2010 Valhalla Rising Wallpapers, Download Valhalla Rising Movie Wallpapers, Pictures of Valhalla Rising, Screen Shots of Valhalla Rising, High Quality Wallpaper of Valhalla Rising Movie, High Resolution Wallpaper of Valhalla Rising,

Uranus's at Alamanda

holla people..

hari Jumaat lepas, i bersama seluruh warga Uranus telah ke Alamanda untuk meraikan bonus kami yang hanya dapat 1 shot itu..hukhuk..sungguh x best okkk...tapi syukur laa jugak, better dapat 1 shot than nothing at all..arah yang di tuju is JM Beriyani House yang nasi beriyani nya sungguh yummy!!!and i pulak menyesal sebab x turut serta mengorder sirap bandung yang sangat sedap itu..


Inilah dia nasi beriyani ayam merah yang sangat sedap itu..yummy sehingga menjilat jari giteww..tapi for those that never been there and interested to go there, i would like to suggest to u guys >> makan lah nasi beriyani daging..sebab lagi sedap kuasa 18!!hehhehe..i pau daging dari kak aja and kak dayah aje..;-)

inilah opismets ku..sumer ladies okk..guys are not allowed to enter walaupun ada 3 seat yang kosong kat workstation kitorang tu..sebab kalo ada guys, susah ler kami nak wat aktiviti2 yang x sesuai dengan golongan mereka..hehhehe..such as fitting baju kalo ade orang datang jual baju kat opis;-P

Masa mula2 we ols sampai kat JM Bariani House ni, sangat la pack nyer..maklumler hari jumaat..ujung bulan plak tu..harusler warga gomen yang bekerja di Putrajaya sangat jayanye mengunjungi Alamanda..jangan kata warga gomen, kami yang dari Cheras ni pun sanggup meredah jalan raya..hehhe..disebabkan terlalu pack, maka kami terpaksa la duduk kat bahagian luar yang pakai fresh air je..dah ler dikala pukul 12.30 tgh hari yang panas terik, basah gak r ketiak neh..tapi JM Bariani punyer pasal, ku relakan jua berpanas terik!!!

then, after sometimes baru ler ada meja kosong kat dalam. so, ape lagi, cepat2 ler kami sumer pindah untuk menikmati suasana yang lebih nyaman..hehehhe.. anyway, kami pindah sebelum makanan sampai, xde isu kawen banyak sebab pindah2 tempat makan di sini...

makan udah, minum pun udah..time for piccass!!!





that's all for episode hari Jumaat..episod sabtu a.k.a kenduri kesyukuran di rumah i akan bermula x berapa lama lagi..can't start yet sebab pics belum di edit..

till then..


morning people...

mood hari ini adalah kecewa.i letak warna biru tu kat perkataan kecewa sebab i x suka warna biru.lalu dia adalah sinonim ngan perkataan kecewa. i sedih sangat2 sebab usaha i membuat trifle dan cita2 untuk menayangkan my version of trifle disini terpaksa dikuburkan untuk kali ini...

kesahnya berbunyi begini>>>

i bukanlah pertama kali nak cuba buat trifle sebab itu kekecewaan yang dialami ini adalah berkuasa ganda 13..tapi sebelum ini i x pernah guna custard and jelly for my trifle..usually pakai agar2 biasa je untuk top layer tu..

i got the new recipe from a friend, my opismet..oleh kerana sangat tergoda dengan trifle yang tok guru buat, i pun nak cuba laa buat for my kenduri esok..

so, setelah membeli segala bahan2 keperluannya, i buat ler mengikut segala tunjuk ajar and resepi yang diberi oleh tok guru i itu tadi..tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...hasilnye sangat menyeramkan okkk..pagi tadi, i check kat dalam peti ais, bahagian custard tu masih belum memejal..hukhuk..

why???why this happen to me??????

actually dari semalam pun i heran tengok bahagian custard tu, sebab x keras2 lagi walaupun i punyer jelly dah mengeras dalam periuk..maka dengan sebab jelly sudah mengeras, tapi custard belum keras, i tetap tuangkan jelly atas lapisan buah and custard yang belum memejal itu.maka these 2 layers jadik macam bercampur and sungguh tidak menyenangkan hati Chef Dina ini...hukhuk..sedih sedih...

setelah dipostmortem dengan tok guru pagi tadi, i rasa kesalahan tu mungkin berlaku sebab custard x betul2 mendidih seperti yang sepatutnya kot..boleh plak laa ilmu tang tu tercicir..

jadi, apekah kesudahan 3 mangkuk besar trifle itu?????

kita sama2 nantikan pada episod yang akan datang yer...


they are so yummmyyyy!!!

trifles with peach

straberry trifles
**credit to pak cik google for all pics**

eh eh..lap air liur yang meleleh tuu!!hehehe..sure sume dah terliur tengok all the trifles yang macam2 rupa ni..colourful and looks so yummyy!!

actually, malam ni i pun nak wat trifles!!soo...tunggu my version of trifles pulak version maybe x semeriah trifles kat atas tu..but can promise that they will be as yummy as above punyer.

